The proprietor of BoneStamp has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate BoneStamp's firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website: http://www.BoneStamp.com: To the fullest degree allowed by Law (including laws which preclude us from protecting the privacy of non-U.S. residents), we pledge and solidly guarantee, that all personal customer information is secure and held confidential at all times from sale, disclosure and/or rental to, and tampering by any known third party. This guarantee applies to all personal customer information that is submitted, gathered, tracked or otherwise obtained in the course of any online business with us. To further enhance confidence and trust in us as an honorable and ethical company to do business with, We voluntarily specify and prominently display on Our Web site/s the purpose/s we intend any personal customer information to fulfill. We agree to discard and/or destroy all such information in a secure and timely fashion after that purpose has been satisfied. This privacy guarantee is our standard default policy for all of our online customers without requiring an "opt out" action. It may only be changed in an "opt in" action through written customer notification.
Security This site has security measures in
place to protect the loss, misuse and
alteration of the information under our
control. Our computer and access to it
is kept in a secure area which is
personally supervised or double entry
locked at all times. The server uses SSL
(Certificate issued by Thawte) to
encrypt financially related
transmissions across the Internet
between BoneStamp and the customer.
Triple DES encryption is employed
transmitting financial transactions
through CyberCash in the credit card
authorization process. Except for the
proprietor, employees of BoneStamp have
no access to any customer credit card
information. Choice/Opt-Out Our site provides visitors the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us. The following options for removing information from our database to receive no future communications nor any longer receive our service are as follows
This site gives visitors the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided.
Contacting the Web Site If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact Proprietor, BoneStamp 825 Pollard Road, Suite 200 Los Gatos, California 95032 408.370.6568 or FAX 408.370.9256 bone1@bonestamp.com